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This necklace has been a firm favourite over the past 12 months from my first collection launch last Spring. I am pleased to keep it in my new Come Full Circle Collection.


Circles are present in our everyday lives in the cycle of day and night and of the seasons but they are also symbols of totality and completedness. They can represent life experience and continuous movement.

This collection also is a nod to my own personal journey in jewellery making. I started making jewellery over 10 years ago and then took a break for peronal reasons. I came back to my jewellery making around 2 years ago and have rediscovered my joy for making jewellery for people to wear. 


This necklace is made from 3 gradually reducing size circles (30mm down to 15mm). These circles are made from sterling silver rings that I have soldered closed and then hammered to give texture. Once hammered these have been joined together with jump rings and then tumbled in my tumbler to give a high polish finish. To complete the necklace the rings are hung from an 18" sterling silver necklace. 



Triple circle necklace

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