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Store Policy

Terms and Conditions

*LAST UPDATED 3rd August 2024*


As I can accept your order and make a legally enforceable agreement without further reference to you, you must read these terms and conditions to make sure that they contain all that you want and nothing that you are not happy with. If you are unsure about anything please phone me on 07969 905062



  1. These Terms and Conditions will apply to the purchase of the Goods by you (the customer or you). I am Samantha Halliwell trading as Hare and Moon Jewellery of 15 Beatrice Road, Margate, Kent CT9 5SN with email address: and telephone 07969 905062 (the supplier or me or I)

  2. These are the terms on which I sell all Goods to you. By ordering any of the Goods, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Before placing an order on the website, you will be asked to agree to these Terms and Conditions by clicking on the button marked "I Accept". If you do not click on the button you will not be able to complete your order. You can only purchase the Goods from the website of you are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.



Consumer means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside his or her trade, business, craft or profession 

Contract means the legally binding agreement between you and me for the supply of the Goods

Delivery Location means the suppliers premises or other location where the Goods are to be supplied, as set out in the Order

Durable Medium means paper or email, or any other medium that allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient, enables the recipient to store the information in a way accessible for future reference for a period that is long enough for the purposes of the information and allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored.

Goods means the goods advertised on the website that we supply to you of the number and description as set out in the order

Order means the Customers order for the Goods from the Supplier as submitted following the step by step process set out on the website

Privacy Policy means the terms which set out how we will deal with confidential and personal information received from you via the website

Website means my website on which the Goods are advertised



The description of the Goods is as set out in the Website. Any description is for illustrative purposes only and there may be small discrepancies in the size and colour of the Goods supplied. This can be due to colour setting on the device that then website is viewed on as well as colour and size difference between individual items


All Goods which appear on the Website are subject to availability


I can make changes to the Goods which are necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement. I will notify you of these changes.


I reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Service without notice at any time. Where possible changes to the Service will be notified to the Customer and in a timely manner.


Personal Information

I retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy


I may contact you by using e-mail or other electronic communication methods and you expressly agree to this


Basis of Sale

The description of the Goods on my Website does not constitute a contractual offer to sell the Goods. When an Order has been submitted on the Website, I can reject it for any reason, although I will try to tell you the reason why without delay


The Order process is set out on the Website. Each step allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting the Order. It is your responsibility to check that you have used the ordering process correctly.


A Contract will be formed for the sale of the Goods ordered only when you receive an email from me confirming the Order (Order Confirmation). You must ensure that the Order Confirmation is complete and accurate and inform me immediately of any errors. I am not responsible for any inaccuracies in the Order placed by you. By placing an Order you agree to me giving you confirmation of the Contract by means of an email with all information in it (i.e. the Order Confirmation). You will receive the Order Confirmation within a reasonable time after making the contract, but in any event not later that the delivery of any Goods supplied under the Contract. 


No variation of the Contract, whether about description of the Goods, Fees or otherwise can be made after it has been entered into unless the variation is agreed by the Customer and Supplier in writing


Payment and Price

The price of the Goods and any additional delivery or other charges is that set out on the Website at the date of the Order or such other price as I may agree in writing.


You must pay by submitting your credit or debit card details with your Order and we can take payment immediately or otherwise before delivery of the Goods.


Prices for products are subject to change at any time and without notice. This may be in response to circumstances such as increase in prices of ingredients etc. I will try to keep price increases to a minimum and will try to provide timely notification of any likely price increases. 



It is my absolute honour to take commission orders. These will be discussed with you in detail to ensure that I am able to meet your needs before an agreement is reached for the Goods. The cost of the Goods will be worked out and provided to you for your agreement. Once the Goods and cost have been mutually agreed, payment in full will be required to make the requested Goods. The Goods will be completed and delivered to you in the agreed time. Any deviation from this will be communicated to you in a timely manner usually via email with the reasons for this.


If you need me to post your completed Goods to you the cost of postage will be agreed and factored into the cost at agreement. I will email you to advise when the Goods have been dispatched. If you are collecting the completed Goods from me I will email you to advise when they are ready for collections. If I do not hear from you I will email again 1 week later. A third attempt will be made 4 weeks later and if I have no response by 7 days after that 3rd email I reserve the right to sell the Goods on my website and you forfeit your right to receive a refund of monies paid thus far. 


If you are collecting the Goods I will notify you by email that they are ready for collection. Payment of outstanding monies will be required before I release the Goods to you. I will make 3 attempts to contact you for collection of the Goods. Attempt one via email on completion of the Goods. Attempt 2 will be via email 1 week later. The 3rd attempt will be 4 weeks after the initial contact again via email. If I have no response by 7 days after the 3rd attempt I reserve the right to sell the Goods on my website and refund you the monies paid for the Goods.




I will deliver the Goods to the Delivery Location buy the time or within the agreed period or, failing any agreement, without undue delay and, in any event, not more that 28 days after the day on which the Contract is entered into.


If we do not deliver the Goods on time you can (in addition to other remedies) treat the Contract at an end if:​​

  • we have refused to deliver the Goods, or if a delivery on time is essential taking into account all the relevant circumstances at the time the Contract was made, or you said to me before the Contract was made that delivery on time was essential: or

  • after I have failed to deliver on time, you have specified a later period which is appropriate to the circumstances and I have not delivered within that period


If you treat the Contract at an end, I will (in addition to other remedies) promptly return all payments made under     the Contract


If you were entitled to treat the Contract at an end, but do not do so, you are not prevented from cancelling the   Order for any Goods or rejecting Goods that have been delivered and, if you do this, I will (in addition to other             remedies) without delay return all payments made under the Contract for any such cancelled or rejected Goods.     If the Goods have been delivered, you must return them to me or allow me to collect them, from you and I will             pay the costs for this.


I do not deliver to any addresses outside England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and           Channel Islands.


The Goods will become your responsibility from the completion of delivery or Customer collection. You must, if       reasonably practicable examine the Goods before accepting them.


Risk and Title

Risk of damage to, or loss of, any Goods will pass to you when the Goods are delivered to you


You do not own the Goods until I have received payment in full. 


Withdrawal, returns and cancellation

You can withdraw the Order by telling me before the Contract is made, if you simply wish to change your mind without giving me a reason, and without incurring any liability


This is a distance contract (as defined below) which has the cancellation rights (Cancellation Rights) set out below. The Cancellation Rights, however, do not apply to a contract for the following goods: 

  • Sealed ​​goods that are not suitable for return due to health protection of hygiene reasons if they become unsealed after delivery


Right to cancel

You have the right to cancel the Contract provided you notify me with a clear statement setting out your decision   preferably by email as it is possible that Goods ordered will be delivered within 3-5 days of making the order. You have until the time of the dispatch notification to cancel the Contract. If you wish to cancel after this time then

the Goods ordered must be returned to me in its original packing and unopened at your cost. When I have               received the Goods back and checked them then payment will be returned to you. This clear statement can be       via the Website or other social media means that I employ such as Instagram or Facebook.


I may make a deduction from any reimbursement for loss in value of Goods returned if they have been                     unnecessarily handled  by you. This is because you were liable for that loss. 


Timing of reimbursement 

If I have not offered to collect the Goods, I will make the reimbursement without undue delay and not later than

       a. 14 days after the day I receive back from you any Goods supplied, or

       b. (if earlier) 14 days after the day you provide evidence that you have sent back the Goods


If I have offered to collect the Goods I will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later that 14         days after the day on which I was informed about your decision to cancel this Contract.


I will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless       you have expressly agreed otherwise, in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement.


Returning Goods

If you have received Goods in connection with the Contract which you have cancelled, you must send the Goods   back or hand them over to me at 15 Beatrice Road, Margate, Kent. CT9 5SN without delay and in any event not       later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate to your cancellation of this Contract. The deadline is     met if you send back the Goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You agree that you will have to bear       the cost of returning the Goods.


For the purposes of these Cancellation Rights, these words have the following meanings:

       a. distance contract means a contract concluded between a trader and a consumer under an organised                      distance sales or service provision scheme  without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the          consumer, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the             time at which the contract is concluded.

      b. sales contract means a contract under which a trader transfers or agrees to transfer the ownership of                      goods to a consumer and the consumer pays or agrees to pay the price, including any contract that has both          goods and services as its object



I have a legal duty to supply the Goods in comformity with the Contract, and will not have conformed if it does not meet the following obligation


Upon delivery the goods will:​​

  • be of satisfactory quality

  • be reasonably fit for the particular purpose that you purchase the Goods for

  • conform to their description


Circumstances beyond the control of either party​

In the event of any failure by a party because of something beyond its reasonable control:

       a. the party will advise the other party as soon as reasonably practicable and

       b. the party's obligation will be suspended so far as is reasonable, provided that the party will act reasonably,              and the party will not be liable for any failure which it could not reasonably avoid, but this will not affect the              Consumers above rights relating to delivery and any right to cancel


Excluding liability

The Supplier does not exclude liability for (i) any fraudulent act or omission; or (ii) for death or personal injury caused by negligence or breach of the Suppliers other legal obligations. Subject to this, the Supplier is not liable for (i) loss which was not reasonably foreseeable to both parties at the time when the Contract was made, or (ii) loss (e.g. loss of profit) to the Customer's business, trade, craft or profession which would not be suffered by a Consumer - because the Supplier believes the Consumer is not buying the Goods for its business, trade, craft or profession.


Governing law, jurisdiction and complaints

The Contract (including any non contractual matters) is governed by the law of England and Wales.


Disputes can be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales or, where the Consumer lives in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in the courts of respectively Scotland or Northern Ireland


I try to avoid any dispute so I deal with complaints proactively in the following way:   

  •    If a customer is not satisfied with their purchase then they should contact me in the first instance to find a            solution. I will aim to respond with an appropriate solution within 5 working days


I reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time and for any reason. I will alert you to any changes by updating the notification at the top of this page that is headed "Last Updated"

Privacy & Safety

Your use

Your privacy is critical to me. I respect your privacy and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation with regard to your personal information.


The Terms and Conditions above should be read alongside, and are in addition to my policies including my privacy policy and cookies policy.


For the purposes of the Terms and Conditions:

a. Data Protection Laws means any applicable law relating to the processing of Personal Data, including, but not            limited to the Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive) or the GDPR

b. GDPR means the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679

c. Data Controller, Personal Data and Processing shall have the same meaning as in the GDPR


I receive, collect and store any information you enter onto the website or provide me in any other way. The website collects data on how many people visit the site and where they have come from i.e. Facebook, mobile or PC.

I also collect personally identifiable information (including your name, email and password etc) as well as payment details (including credit card details), comments, feedback, product reviews and recommendations. I collect this information for the following purposes:

  • to provide and operate the service

  • to provide ongoing customer assistance and technical support

  • to be able to contact you with general or personalised service related notices and promotional material

  • to comply with any applicable laws and regulations


Please be reassured that your personal information will be used for the specific reasons above only and will never be provided to a third party.

​ is hosted on platform. Your data may be stored through as well and this is stored securely.


Cookies are used on this website for security and account related information. They do not track you when you leave the site and I never pass any information to any third parties. For more information on cookies please visit


For any enquiries or complaints regarding data privacy you can email me at



All images, text, product descriptions, scent descriptions and products are the property of Samantha Halliwell trading as Hare and Moon Jewellery, unless otherwise stated. You may not duplicate, use or distribute any of this information without my express written consent. Consideration will always be given to legal action in cases of misuse of my intellectual property.

Payment Methods
Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments

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